Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome back to school!! :) 

This is your space as students to share reviews on the books you are reading. Both 7th and 8th graders may post here.  Remember your grade's challenge: 7th Grade - 8 books; 8th Grade - 10 books. You really can accomplish this! And many of you will be able to read WAY more! 

When you finish a novel, write a review. Remember a review is not a necessarily a summary - you don't wan't to give the ending away to other readers! :) Make sure you include: the title, the author, the main characters, setting and  main conflict. Try to use the SWBS strategy.  Make sure you include things that the author did well and things that they didn't do so well.  Then give at least 2 things you liked about the book and at least 2 things you did not like. If you loved the book obviously you are going to have more than 2 things you liked and vice versa. Be sure you include what age group this book would appropriate for. Last but not least, would you recommend this other readers? If so, what kind of reader would like this book (guy, girl, animal lover, Twilight fans, etc.). 

Your book review should be at least 3 paragraphs. It should be detailed enough that I can tell that you, in fact, read the novel. If you are reading a novel that has been read and reviewed before, that's okay! Just make sure you write it using your own opinions and ideas. It's okay if you have differing viewpoints on the same novel. 

Feel free to find a picture of the book cover and post it to your blog, that way others know what the book looks like!
I am always reading as well, if I come across a good read I will write a review and post it to our blog as well. :) 

Have fun with this! You are not getting graded, remember! Have fun and READ! 


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.