Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shark Girl

I read the book Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham. This is a story of a girl and her struggles after a shark attack that almost took her life. I chose this book because I read it off someones post and it sounded good !

15- year old Jane Arrowood was attacked by a shark in June after going for a swim and lost her right arm. She was in the hospital for a long time, and was going depressed and basically hated herself. She thought that even though everyone was trying to help her out, like her friends and family, nobody really knew what she was going through and she wished they would all just leave her alone. No one understood her, besides Justin, a boy she met in the hospital. He was also disabled, and they became best friends and helped each other through a lot. In the end, Jane realizes that you can't turn your life upside down because of something major that happens. You need to make the best of it.

Honestly, I thought this book sucked. There was no story to it, other than a girl who wouldn't stop being depressed all the time because she lost an arm. Everything was totally predictable. Within the first two pages, she gets attacked by the shark, and all of the rest is just her whining about it. I mean, I would be upset if I lost an arm too, but I wouldn't let it ruin my life. Some people could like this book, however I thought it was pretty boring. But, that's just my opinion. It was an easy read though, so I got it done with pretty fast. I would recommend this to anyone who just wants to get a book done and over with. But if you want a really good book that can't be put down, I would keep looking. . .

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