Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pish Posh

The book that I chose is called Pish Posh, written by Ellen Potter. I chose this book because I thought that the cover looked interesting and it was a book that I had on my shelf. This book is mainly about an eleven year old spoiled brat named Clara, whos parents own a high class restaurant in New York City.
The main character, Clara Frankofile, lives in New York city with her parents. At only eleven years of age, she lives in her own apartment, gets everything she wants, and keeps the nobodies out of Pish Posh. Pish Posh is the restaurant that her parents own. To keep this restaurant unique, Clara has to do one thing. She has to only let famous and well known sombodies eat there. Clara has a keen eye for spotting nobodies. All she wants is to pick out the nobodies and keep the restaurant in tip top shape. However, one day a man that she pronounces a nobody tells her that there is something fishy going on in the restaurant that she doesn't know about. This is like a smack in the face to her because she thinks she knows everything about the restaurant. So, Clara goes and tries to find what that crazy man is talking about.
I liked in the book, towards the middle and end, how it became like a mystery. Also, I liked how well the author explained everything. I could picture everything perfectly. I didn't like how it took a while for the book to get going. It started out pretty slow. I also didn't like how the ending seemed like it was missing something. I think that this is a good book for girls ages ten to fourteen. :)

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