Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Divergent by Veronica Roth. This is a amazing book, I choose Divergent because someone recommended it to me. It takes twists throughout the book. Divergent is about how the future society could be and what could happen.

Sixteen year old Beatrice Prior lives in the furture Chicago, where they are seporated by groups based on there persionality. They grow up in the districts they were born in with there family and siblings until the reach the age of sixteen and they take a test to tell them what district they belong in. Then at the chosing ceremony they get to pick out of Candor (for the honest), Erudite (for the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave) and Amity (the peaceful). She can chose to leave her family, brother, and life style at Abnegation for a new life style. But whatever place she decides to pick will determain her job and new life based on how she is presented.

Two things I liked about Divergent was how the events happened and that it was set in the future. I loved this book. I would recommend this book for Hunger Games fans and from the ages of 11 and up should read this.

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