Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Hunger Games

     The book I read was the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This book is futeristic. I choose this book for a few reasons. One reason I choose this book was because I had heard by a lot of people that it was a awesome book. Another reason why I choose this book is because a teacher had recommended it to me
     The reaping was coming up soon and everyone in all 12 districts were putting on their most fancy cloths for this event. During the reaping one boy and one girl from each district had to be given to the capital. There names would be drawn out of the reaping ball. Katniss, around thirteen years old, wore her mothers old blue dress. When the name drawings began Katniss'es sister was drawn and so was another boy from her district, Peeta. Katniss could not let her sister go into the Hunger Games, a fight to death. Katniss had voulentered for her sister. Not many people did volunter. Katniss and Peeta along with many others from other districts were soon to aboard a train and go to the capital. Were at the capital they would meet their styilists, Cinna and Portia. The styilists would make Peeta and Katniss starts when they were first presented. All the cameras were focused on them. Later they would start there training sessions. During training they could learn many skills from snares to weapons. On the last day of the training sessions each tribute had a change, in private, to show the gamemakers what they knew most. Katniss of course showed them archery. She was an excellent archer. They would all later before the games began recieve a training score. Katniss recieved an eleven. When the games started they were to reamin on a platform for sixty seconds. When the time was up Katniss was distracted by Peeta and missed her chance to gather the much needed supplies at the center. Slowly one by one tributed were killed off. The killed were each shown at the end of the night lighted up in the sky folowing by the anthem. It came down to that one pair, due to a twist in the game, that one. Read the rest of the book to find out the rest.
     I liked many things about The Hunger Games. One thing was how you were left in suspension a could of times. Another is that the book was hard to put down at times. This is appropriate for the age group of 11-adult. It would require a medium reading level. I would recommend this book to a friend. If you like mystery and suspension i would recommend this book to you.

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