Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I read a book called Sleepless. It was written by Cyn Balog. I chose to read this book because I read the back of it and it seemed like it would be pretty interesting and exciting. It is mainly about an ordinary teenage girl and a Sandman meeting each other and realizing they're a lot closer than they think.

Julia Devine, an ordinary teenage girl is living a good life until unexpectedly because of a car crash, her boyfriend, Griffin Colburn dies. She doesn't know it, but all her life Eron DeMarchelle has been putting her to sleep every night. He died and has been a Sleepbringer for the past one hundred years. Once his one hundred years is up, he will become human again to finish his unfinished business, but that is only if his new Sandman student, Griffin Colburn(Julia's boyfriend) can manage the Sleepbringers tasks. After Griffin dies his best friend, Bret falls for Julia, but they just stay friends. Griffin tries to stop him but he can't get involved in the human world. There has been a lot of trouble going on but eventually he learns to let go and Eron finally gets to be with the girl he's known her whole life.

Two things I liked about this book was how it was interesting and how it never really got boring. I didn't dislike anything. I would recommend Sleepless to my friends. It's age appropriate for pretty much anyone. It's also a pretty easy read. I'm happy I read it and it was a good book.

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