Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bluford High-secrets in the shadows

Secrets in the Shadows by Anne Schraff is mindblowing and the details are eyewatering! A story about love, money,and murder!

Young Roylin Bailey walks into class only to find a new girl named Kori Archer who had satin skin,huge dark eyes shadowed by her eyelashes.Roylin's eyes popped! She was to be the prettiest girl in the world you know the models on magazines too good for Bluford High.Roylin and Kori hit it off at lunch and continued to get closer and closer to each other. But Kori's birthday is coming up and Roylin can't afford the 300$ necklace. But he remembers his good friend Mr.Miller and how rich he was Mr.Miller was like the father an (unabusive father)Roylin never had. He found Mr.Miller sleeping and he also found his stuffed wallet so...He decided to take 250 thinking he wouldn't notice.Then ran to the mall to buy the Golden ruby necklace. Unaware of the landlord Mr.Tuttle was watching his every move! But Tuttle lied when he said Mr.Miller woke up he had had a heart attack when he found out there was missing money. He was cruel and heartless. Then he was blackmailing Roylin by making him clean around the apartment building.

Weeks after Roylin gave Kory the necklace and she told him she'll love her forever. She then goes and flirts with a jock and studies with him on a history paper. Day after day she treats Roylin more and more like dirt. But as they grow apart he and his friend Cooper become closer and closer, like brothers! But know Roylin told Coop everything and he has a different perspective. Cooper say Mr.Tuttle beat Mr.Miller to death. But they need the body to see if he did kill him or not.Lucky for them Mr.Tuttle goes to the racetrack every Sunday and is gone the whole day. Roylin is reluctant but sticks with the plan. They dig up the body and find nothing but sand bags,confused and scared Roylin and cooper got a snack and waited for Tuttle to arrive. As soon as he did Cooper hovered over him like a rabid bunny and a carrot. Tuttle confessed that Mr.Miller was alive and unharmed in a boring nursing home. Tuttle said he was trying to teach Roylin a lesson.

Roylin,and Coop were furious with the small old man. So they taught him a lesson by scaring him bad the only tooth he had came out from him shaking to much! Roylin now visits and takes Mr.Miller out for food and fun. He really hates it their he says it so much more that he talks his daughter not visiting. Roylin felt like a better person knowing Mr.Miller was okay it was like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. He doesn't pick on kids so he could feel big he apologized and forgave everyone. He even gets people to help out at the nursing home, he helps at home too! Fixes the table,washers dishes doesn't fight with his sister anymore. Roylin feels like a changed man, like he has a purpose to be on earth. He loves and respects himself so much he turned down Kori Archer!

This book was brilliant and perfect in so many ways. It's small but it's a MUST! So detailed and it just paints a vivid picture better than HD! It's wonderful like I said small but a blast of some thriller some romance and a little action along the way. If you get ENJOY!!!!! :-)

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