Sunday, October 31, 2010

Airhead by Meg Cabot

Airhead is a science-fiction drama story about socially challenged Emerson Watts. Emerson has many problems. One of them being she's named after a famous poet that's a guy. Her sister is a Walking Dead, as Emerson calls people who follow her rival, Whitney Robertson. Her sister, Frida takes her to a Stark Store opening which threatens Emerson's live. It fatally changes life forever.
Emerson wakes up in the hospital, with the famous singer, Gabriel Luna, sitting at her bedside with a bouquet of red roses. Once he leaves, Emerson remembers what happened at Stark Store. She was standing in line with her bff, Christopher and her annoying sister Frida. (Em is in love with Chris.) The as soon as famous model, and fashion icon, Nikki Howard walk into the store, a plasma screen tv falls on Emerson, and Nikki passes out. Emerson's brain is transplanted into Nikki's body. Emersonends up living Nikki's life. Emerson gets kidnapped by her bf Brandon Stark and her 'bff' Lulu Collins. But can she keep up with Nikki's life? If not, what will happen?
Airhead was literally an easy read. It had very high literature words, but i understood them. I loved this book. I would reccomnd this to people who love models. I chose this book because i liked the title, and cover. I'd rate it 5/5.


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