Friday, June 10, 2011

Catching Fire

The book that I read is called Catching Fire, by Susan Collins. This is about a girl, Katniss, who wants nothing but the Capitol and the president to leave her and her family alone! I chose this book because it is the second book to The Hunger Games that I have read. If u decide to read Catching Fire, make sure that you read The Hunger Games first. Everything will make much more sense.
Katniss Everdeen a seventeen year old girl, who has probably been through way more than grownups have, is the main character. Im not going to tell you about The Hunger Games, because that is a totally different story. However there are a couple of things you should know. She was sent to the hunger games, where 24 children have to fight to the death in an arena. Katniss and her friend were the winners. However in that book she did something rebellious toward the Capitol and the games. Now in Catching Fire she has to pay. The one thing she really wants is for the president to not kill her and her family. She wants to keep them all safe. They all just want to be left alone. However, really President Snow has the power to do anything to them, and he made sure to personally tell that to Katniss. Now that she has done that rebellious thing, her and her family are in danger! Because of those acts she took, more people and districts are starting rebellions. So, I think that the president by this time is just dying to get rid of Katniss. However, he can't without people knowing that it was him, and staring more rebellions. Since Katniss won the games its a rule, that she doesn't have to go back in the arena. Or does she? Find out what the president plans on doing and what happens or doesnt happen to Katniss.
This was a really good book, and there were many things I liked about it!! One thing I liked was how at the end of every chapter it left you hanging so that you couldn't stop reading and you had to go to the next chapter. Another thing is how in depth and detailed everything is. It is honestly like im actually there. I didn't like though in the story how the book ended, it just left me hanging and wanted to know more. Also, there were a couple slow parts in the story and I didnt like that. I would definetly recomend this book to anyone. I think that everyone should read the whole series sometime in there life. It is really amazing!!

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