Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pendragon the lost city of faar

The book Pendragon is a great book about Bobby Pendragon ans his journey through time and space. In this story he is on the territory of cloral. The people of cloral live on floating houses called habitats, they also grow their own food. Bobby also meets his future best friend vo spader.

When Bobby arrives on cloral they have to use underwater boat things called skimmers. To breathe they put on these globe-like things on their heads and it allows them to breathe. The territory of cloral is very high-tech and they are smart people. But the territory gets poisoned by something or someone they don't know yet. Then a different floating city threatens to shoot them unless they pay ten bags of food. It is very hard to do because all of their food is poisoned. They try to come up with a solution but fail and they have to go get help. Who knows what happens next you will have to read to find out.

What I did not like about this book is that it was very long. Another thing i did not like was that in some spots it was very boring. But for the most part it was very exciting, it was also very detailed and interesting. I would recommend this book to anybody. But it is a long book so it might take you a while to read it.

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