Tornado is a book about a family that is struggling to survive after a tornado came right down their road in la rupa and created a mudslide. after the mudslide there were 27 of the 53 people in their town found dead. after the mudslide all the remaining people in la rupa try to build their houses back up. their is 1 main family in the story. a boy the is 4 a boy that is 13 a boy that is 17 and a girl who is 1 and a girl that is 16. In the story their dog bertie goes missing during the tornado and so does the dad and the two oldest kids. at the end of the book the family regroups and lives happily ever after.
I rate this book 2 out of 10 as i really didnt like the book. I thought the book was boring at some points. i would recommend this boot to anyone that wants an easy read
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