Friday, January 13, 2012

Articles of War by Nick Arvin

Articles of War by Nick Arvin is a fascinating book. In the beginning it tells about a young eighteen year old boy from Iowa named George Tilson, A.K.A Heck, because he promised his mother before she died he would never swear. He joined the army and was sent to Omaha beach right after D-Day on June 6th. He wanders off a lot of times and one time finds a crashed German plane, and see's a boy and a girl crawl out. The boy screams really loud, and he goes to help. The boy stepped on a land mine. He then meets the boys father, Albert. In the middle, Heck is sent to the frontlines, and his group gets ambushed by Germans. He gets lost and cannot find his squad mates. He then finds some soldiers, and regroups with them. He then gets lost and ambushed again, finds some other squad mates, but falls through the floor of the building, and scratches his leg. Thinking nothing of it, he decides to climb out. With his fellow squad mates looking for him, he calls out and says, "I'm here!". They continue to patrol until he can no longer walk, and a medic comes by and takes him to an aid station. He is out of action for a little while and sent back to the beach. He goes back to the front after a few weeks and finds his company, the 28th Infantry Division. But there are not many of them listed. There is the Lieutenant, the Seargant, Opie, Zeem, and many others left alive. They begin to go on patrol and find a stray dog. The men leave food and water for her, and she begins to follow. They name her Sweetie. They take a quick rest and the Lieutenant is killed by a sniper. Not having fired his rifle, Heck takes aim at Sweetie, but misses, and scares her off. Another one of his squad mates comes around and asks him what happened. He says he scared the dog off. In the end, Heck and his company acquire a new Lieutenant, and move into a one German controled town. The Germans soon come to take it back. When happening, Heck and a tall blonde soldier clear one house. They find a chest and it blows the blonde soldier to smitherines. Heck, once realizing he wants to get out, sticks his hand up in hopes of being shot, instead he gets shot in the wrist.

1 comment:

  1. cool book sound's interesting what rifle was he using. Do you like this book alot or only a little


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