Thursday, January 5, 2012


           i read a book called switched. this book has 494 pages in it.this book. this book was my favorite book of all time. this book was not recomended for me by anyone. this book is by amanda hocking. this series has a total of 3 books in all. the book takes only about a day to read its so good.the mail careacter is named wendy. wendy is sa normal girl that is just trying to fit in.untill finn shows up and changes everything
         wendy is in class sleeping though the lesson and the teacher tells her to go to the office. wendy can control minds if she wants to so she tells the teacher not to send her down to the office.thare is this kid in class named finn who has black hair and black eyes.finn seems to be stawlking wendy so she tryes to feep away from him as much as possible.
           wendy was almost killed by her mother when she was very little. her mother told her she was not her child and took a huge knife and sliced open her wendys mom was sent to a mental hospital.she now stays with her brother and aunt
            finn shows up at wendys room at night and tells the that she is a changling. a changlingis a troll that has been switched with someone elses child right when they are born.the trolls do this so they can get a good education and steal the money from thier familys that have been taking care of them and go back to trylle witch is a communaty of trolls. when wendy goes to trylle she finds out that she is a princess and her mother elora is the queen of all the trolls. wendy is expected to rule over them once elora dies. while doing this she also has to learn to master her abilitys and try to hide her feelings for finn witch are growing stronger every day.
            this book is for anyone that likes fiction books. the age group for this book is 12 and up. i liked every thing about this book exept for that is ended to quickly. i would rate this book a 10 out of 10. this book has everything in it magic, a little romance, action, and its even funny at times. i would recomend this book to anyone.

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