This book is mainly about a boy who grows up and has a great life untill the age of 6-7 . when he first started getting abused his mom would wait untill his dad left and then thats when she would start hitting him , slapping him , punching him , and ect. Everyday he would get sent to the nurse and the nurse would check him for bruses , scraches , burns , or any broken bones . One day he was sent to the nurse as soon as he got to school .The nurse had him strip down to his Underpant and she saw a brows on his face. She asked him what it was from and he said it was from running in to a door...
One thing i like about this book is that it was a very omotional book. Another thing i liked about this book was that it is told by him himself. I loved every single part of this book . There was not a part that i didnt like.This book is approprite for 9- to any age.This book is for any reading level, and any person who loves to read. I would recommend this book to a friend any day.
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