I read hunted by p.c. cast and Kristin cast. This is the 5th book in the house of night series. This series is about a girl named zoey who has been gifted with an affinity for all 5 elements (water, fire, air, earth, and spirit) by the goddess nyx.
In this book zoey had to save stevie rae from dyeing. And figure out how to get rid of Kalona who has taken over the house of night. The high priestess neferet has turned her back on the goddess and now is worshiping Kalona. Neferet has ordered all fledglings to return to the house of night. Zoey gets badly injured when a raven mocker attacks her. A raven mocker is a child of Kalona and a woman that he raped. Zoey needs to go back to the house of night or she will die because she needs to be around other vampyers . When zoey gets back to the house of night everyone is under Kalona’s spell. Zoey calls them pod people. Zoey figures out a way to get Kalona to flee from the house of night. Zoey is starting to fall in love with stark, although zoey is just starting to fix things with her boyfriend Erik, and zoey has imprinted with her ex heath again. All this and the world as she knows it is falling apart is starting to get to zoey.
This book is great for all girls who like vampire books with a lot of action. The age that would be good for this book would be about 12 and up. One thing I did not like about this book is that it was kind of confusing at times and I had to re-read some parts like 3 times. one thing i liked about it is that it was very interesting and not one part in the whole book was boring.this book has 323 pages in it. The next book in this series is called tempted.
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