Thursday, June 7, 2012

Magic Tree House #17: Tonight on the Titanic

This blog is completely out of memory, and skimming the book a little. In the beginning, Jack and Annie(main characters)went to the "Magic Treehouse" and found a sad little dog. They found a peice of paper saying "This little dog is under a spell and needs your help. To free him, you must be given four special things: A gift from a ship lost at sea, a gift from the prairie blue, a gift from a forest far away, and a gift from a kangaroo. Be wise. Be brave. Be careful. Morgan". The little dog(nicknamed "Teddy")jogged over to a book, titled "The Unsinkable Ship" and pushed it with his nose. The two kids said "I wish we could go there" and the treehouse started swirling. Then, it stopped. They shivered, and realized they were dressed like 1912 style kids(uncomfortable?). The two looked around, heard "ICEBERG AHEAD!" and turned around to see a large, menacing iceberg nearing the stern of the ship. A few seconds later, it ended. By the beginning of chapter three(near, and part of the middle of the book), Jack and Annie find a live preserver saying "R.M.S. TITANIC". Jack and Annie argue for a few minutes, and decide to help any way they can. They start to go down the hallway, and come across the communications room. Annie whispers "Great, they're calling for help!", with response from Jack "I dont think help will come.", they continue down the hallway. By chapter four, the crew knows of the dangers, and starts to get people onto life boats. The two and their little companion came across the grand staircase. A man in a white uniform "cheerfully" said "Get on your life belts and get above deck now!". People started getting them on, and going above deck. The rest is for you to figure out, and get the book.

  • The Titanic hit the iceberg in the North Atlantic, about 400 miles from the coast of Newfoundland.
  • The Titanic was considered "unsinkable" because the ship was built with many large watertight doors. However, when the ship hit the iceberg, six of the comparments flooded, which immediately made the ship a death trap.
  • The signal "SOS" was the international distress call by simplicity. The three letters in Morse Code: three dots, dashes, and three more dots.
  • There were 2,223 people on the titanic, 1,517 died, and 706 passengers died. The survivors were rescued by the ship "Carpathia"

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